Why purchase a Save Starry Skies license plate?

Adding a Save Starry Skies license plate to your vehicles is a great way to celebrate Nevada's dark starry skies. Anyone who has traveled through Nevada knows that our state is one of wide open spaces, quiet solitude, and miles upon miles of uninterrupted views. Because the American public owns so much of this wide open landscape, you won’t find “No Trespassing” signs or private developments, and you certainly won’t find a lot of lights. There are very few places left in the country, and in the world for that matter, where there is so little artificial light that you can literally see right through the Milky Way to the next galaxy with the naked eye... but you can right here in Nevada. From Great Basin National Park to Massacre Rim Wilderness Study Area to the most remote stretches of The Park to Park in the Dark Highway, Nevada is home to some of the most spectacular night skies in the world.